
Protect your Email Address
  • Protect your privacy with "disposable" email addresses
  • Reduce junk mail
  • Prevent companies from giving your email address out to partners
  • Protect your email from hackers
  • Protect your email from identity thieves

Tired of Sharing Your Email Address - with EVERYONE?

Hi, I'm Larry, co-founder and CEO of LENTmail Email Privacy System (EPS). Over the years, I've become increasingly concerned about how much everyday technologies have intruded into our privacy on a daily basis.

Every day, my junk mail keeps growing. And, if you're like me, you find your name or email constantly appearing all sorts of ads, lists, and solicitations from companies wanting something from you: your money, your input, your registration, and ultimately, your information. They want you to trade your privacy for what they have to offer.

Why? So they can sell your information to someone else and put you on more lists. For the rest of your life.

These companies believe that by giving you something for "free", or as a "special promotion" it's a fair deal. But these offers aren't free. You're paying for them with the most important and valuable thing you own: Your own, personal identity.

And ... you're giving over control of your information to you someone who is faceless and unknown to you. To do with as they wish. Before now, you had no choice, other than to just not participate.

Finally, a solution to keep personal email addresses PRIVATE

This is why we created LENTmail. A personal, private email service that gives YOU the decision and control of if, when, or how you want to respond to any service request for your email address. Without divulging your actual personal email address.

Keep your privacy. Keep your “real” email only for those you know and trust.

Participate in all the “free” or “promo” offers you want, and LEND them an email address you’ve created precisely for this purpose.

Maintain privacy with LENTmail Email Privacy System (EPS)

Now you can get that free coupon. That promo cup of coffee. Sign up for that newsletter. Get that in-store discount at the register when they pressure you to give away your email address. Whatever you want to do. Just give them your LENTmail address. Then you can access our system from a dashboard on your phone, where you can easily turn on or off the offers, gimmicks, or solicitations, as you see fit. When you turn off a correspondence, anything from that respondent simply goes into the ether.

Cyberspace. To float away.

And if you want to turn it back on for something special you want…no problem. A touch of a button. On and off…on your terms, whenever you wish.

That’s LENTmail EPS.

Personal. Private. In your control.

What is your privacy worth?

Is your privacy worth 2 bucks a month? We believe it is…and hope you do too. Because that’s all it costs….2 bucks a month. 18 bucks for a year’s signup.

Keep your freedom…keep your privacy. Choose LENTmail.



I’ve been using LentMail for several weeks now, and it works great! Whenever I get asked for my email I just make a new name on the spot, add the “at” sign, and tell them my custom domain. I can add it to the dashboard names list later when convenient. Perfect.


Setting up the account is really easy, and it’s a no-brainer to use. Simple and fast, yet very powerful.


I really like the fact that I can stay logged in by a bookmark, so it’s always at my fingertips.. don’t need to go into an app, or a bunch of pull-downs. Fast and right there.


Love not being inundated with spam or phishing anymore. Easy to deactivate the junk, and keep the good stuff. I REALLY value my privacy. Thanks LentMail!